February 12, 2012: “The Potomac Frontier – Loudoun in 1862,” by Richard Gillespie, Director of Education for the Mosby Heritage Area Association.
March 11, 2012: “No More In Silence: My Journey of Discovery With the Historic Stoutsenberger Farmstead,” by Eirik Harteis of the Eco-Village Stoutsenberger homestead project.
April 15, 2012: “Before There Was Lovettsville: The German Settlement in the 18th Century,” by local author and cartographer, Eugene Scheel.
May 13, 2012: “Before There Was Brunswick: Berlin – Maryland’s First Planned City,” by Jacqueline Ebersole and Dave McIntosh of the Brunswick Railroad Museum.
June 10, 2012: “Lovettsville Cemeteries and Historic Records,” by author and genealogist Marty Hiatt, preceded by LHS Annual Meeting.
June 23, 2012: Loudoun Rangers Descendants Reunion held in Waterford and Lovettsville, to honor the 150th Anniversary of the Independent Loudoun Rangers’ formation in June 1862.
July 8, 2012: “A Reminiscence of Old Lovettsville” by Pulitzer Prize-winner and author of Growing Up, Russell Baker.
August 12, 2012: “September Suspense: Lincoln’s Union in Peril” by Dennis Frye, chief historian at Harpers Ferry National Park.
September 9, 2012: “Wandering Through Time: A Historic Walking Tour of Painter’s Corner and the Short Hill,” presented by Jim Schatz.
October 14, 2012: “The Underground Railroad in Loudoun County” by Bronwen Souders, founding member of Black History Committee of the Friends of Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg.
November 11, 2012: “’Gone to the Country Very Tired’: Abraham Lincoln, the Soldiers Home, and the Cradle of the Emancipation Proclamation,” by Scott Ackerman, President Lincoln’s Cottage at the Soldiers’ Home, Washington DC.