The Lovettsville Historical Society has announced the first half of its 2019 lecture series, for the months from February through June. The line-up is:
February 10 – “Armistead Thompson Mason Filler, 1821-1897.” Bart Hodgson, proprietor of Linden Hall B&B, will present the story of one of Lovettsville’s most colorful characters, the businessman, trader, and speculator A.T.M. Filler, and the “Filler House” now better known as Linden Hall. As one old timer said, “Nobody else around Lovettsville ever entertained Senators and men high up in the Government.”
March 10 – “‘The Rebels Is Running Over Our Parents’: Recruiting Virginia Unionists Into the Potomac Home Brigade” by Travis Shaw. The Potomac Home Brigade was established in the Spring of 1861 to defend western Maryland from rebel incursions. Three regiments of infantry and one of cavalry were raised. The Home Brigade was a refuge for numerous Virginia Unionists, including some from the Lovettsville area, who had been driven from their homes. April 14 – “Daniel Morgan: American Rifleman Commander,” a profile of one of General Washington’s most successful commanders of the Revolutionary War, presented by Randall Flood, an instructor at the American Revolution Museum in Yorktown, and CEO and Co-Founder of the American Revolution Institute for Civic Education. May 19 – “American Indians and Early Explorers in the Potomac-Loudoun Area.” Renowned map-maker and local historian Eugene Scheel will present his latest map, depicting early explorers (1692-1716), and American Indian villages and farms, in the Potomac River/Loudoun County area. June 9 – “The Shenandoah Valley’s German Heritage” presented by Karen Good Cooper, president of the Shenandoah Germanic Heritage Museum in Shenandoah County, Va. Mrs. Cooper will describe how the German settlers in the Valley (and in the Lovettsville German Settlement), brought their ideas, methods, and customs to this area, and how the “Shenandoah Deutch” affected so much of how we behave and work today. |