As of the first of the year 2018, the Expansion Fund stands at $57,762, which includes a $10,000 matching grant made by Dr. Donald Cooper — an excellent start for the Fund’s first year of existence.
Support the Museum Expansion Fund
To keep up with our increasing activities and our new acquisitions, our Museum needs to expand, to provide more space for displays, research, and activities. That is why we launched the Museum Expansion Fund in December 2016. Contributions of $2,500 or larger, will be acknowledged on a permanent plaque to be displayed in a new Museum facility.
Tax Deductible
Your gift supporting the LHS’s Museum Expansion Fund is tax-deductible. The Lovettsville Historical Society is a tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions and Memberships are tax deductible, and support our operations, acquisitions, and events. If, like Mr. & Mrs. Branchcomb, you too would like to make a donation to the Lovettsville Historical Society & Museum, or purchase a Membership, visit our online payment portal at
Membership dues and funds raised support activities such as:
- Purchase artifacts and library resources
- Fund lecture and educational projects
- Preserve collections and displays
- Update exhibits
- Maintain and expand the museum
Other ways you can support the Lovettsville Historical Society and our mission:
Volunteer to help with the Museum, fundraising, organizing events and publicizing our activities. In our commitment to serve the community and preserve its history and heritage of Lovettsville, the museum has incorporated displays of items pertaining to a past way of life: clothing, tools, utensils, personal items, documents, photographs, genealogy and other historical information. Museum exhibits are organized with special themes, which include many artifacts on loan. Our Museum Library and other resources are available for research and inquiries. Subjects of local interest are discussed frequently and lectures given by local historians periodically. Guest speakers are welcome. We support historical education and host special presentations for groups such as Scouts, school classes and tourists.
Donate artifacts, old family documents and histories, and other materials to the Museum. The history of Lovettsville and surrounding area is presented through the expansion of the present collection of genealogical information and the documentation on businesses and organizations, buildings and other structures, people and places, past and present, as well as community awareness events.
Photograph of Fred George III, Shane and Fay Branchcomb, courtesy of photographer, Ed Bard.