Tag: Lovettsville history
Lovettsville’s German Heritage Reaches Across the Atlantic
By Claudette Lewis Bard Lovettsville was settled by German immigrants in the 19th century. What are the chances that in 2024, a German citizen with African American ancestral heritage, returns…
A British Lord of the Manor in the German Settlement
By: Edward Spannaus Part 1: Who was Tankerville? People coming into the Lovettsville Museum often ask: “Who was Lovett?” Our answer is generally that he was a land speculator who…
Next in the Lovettsville Historical Society’s 2024 Lecture Series:
Next in the Lovettsville Historical Society’s 2024 Lecture Series: Summer Seminar on the American Revolution and its 250th Anniversary Sunday, July 14, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. St. James United Church of Christ,10 East Broad Way, Lovettsville VA…
Who was Tankerville? Part VI: The Slow but Certain End of the Feudal Land System in North Loudoun
By Edward Spannaus At the end of the American War of Independence, the Earl of Tankerville’s family was still anxious. Land was everything for the British nobility, yet the Tankerville land…
Press Release: Spring 2024 Mini-Course
Press Release What: Lovettsville Historical Society Spring 2024 Mini-Course—Where We Live: The German Settlement When: Monday nights May 20th, May 27th (Memorial Day), June 3rd and June10th, 2024 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Where: Meeting behind the Lovettsville Museum, 4 E. Pennsylvania Avenue,…
Who Was Tankerville? — Part V: The Manor System Nears its End
By Edward Spannaus In Part IV of this series, we learned how some of the tenants on the Tankerville lands in the eastern part of the German Settlement began to…
Who was Tankerville? — Part IV: The Tenants Speak
By Edward Spannaus In Part III of this series, we “listened in,” so to speak, on discussions between the 4th Earl of Tankerville (Charles Bennett), his brother Henry A. Bennett,…
Who was Tankerville? Part III: The Revolution Puts Tankerville Lands at Risk
By Edward Spannaus In Part II of this series, we learned that the Tankerville lands, as Loyalist properties, had been “sequestered” during the Revolutionary War, and saw how the Dowager…
Who was Tankerville? Part II: The Dowager and the General
By Edward Spannaus (Part I of this series, updated, may be found here.) In June 1783, as the Treaty of Paris to end the Revolutionary War was being finalized, the…
The British Lords of the Manor in the German Settlement: Who was Tankerville?
By Edward Spannaus [Updated December 17. 2023] (This is one of an occasional series of articles concerning the impact of the American Revolution on the Lovettsville area, formerly known as…
Virginia’s Religious Freedom Law: Were the Lovettsville churches legal?
By Edward Spannaus Up through the time of the American Revolution, Lovettsville’s two churches were in a legal limbo. There was but one Established Church in the Virginia colony: that…
Fire Guts Historic Outbuilding at Luther Potterfield House
By Edward Spannaus In the early morning of June 19, 2023, an outbuilding known as the “meat house” on the old Luther Potterfield property on Lovettsville’s main street (now 32…
Grace Anderson Smith: A Woman Who Spread Love and Kindness Throughout Her Life
By: Claudette Lewis Bard When I began studying my family history, I started looking at census records in order to get facts and statistical data. Some of the information gathered…
Lovettsville’s Isaac Slater: From Hangman’s Noose to Capitol Hill
By Edward Spannaus Isaac Cooper Slater was born and raised in the Lovettsville area, but spent most of his adult life in Washington, D.C., as did his second cousin, Luther…
Ray Anderson’s German Great-Grandson Responds to Newsletter Article
By Claudette Lewis Bard The power of the Internet never ceases to amaze me. Often in the news, we hear about someone’s research leading them to a discovery that would…
December Newsletter
Our December 2022 Newsletter is now available, with a feature on the life and letters of Dr. James Henshaw LHS December 2022 Newsletter
Letters from Lovettsville: The Life of Dr. John James Henshaw
By Doria R. Owen The shoe box marked “Letters” had been silently waiting atop a stack of forgotten boxes for over ten years. Once opened, the story they tell…
Saving Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
By Lori Kimball A physical testament to the strength and resilience of Loudoun’s African American community can be found in the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church and Cemetery, located at the base of…
Fall 2022 Mini-Course — Where We Live: The German Settlement
Press release What: Lovettsville Historical Society Fall 2022 Mini-Course— Where We Live: The German Settlement When: Monday nights October 3, 10, 17, and 24 from 6:30-9:00 p.m.. Where: Meeting at…
George’s Mill Farm: Memories of the Past
Presented by Fran Wire to the Lovettsville Historical Society, May 20, 2018 Editor’s note: Following is the text of Fran Wire’s talk, presented as part of the Lovettsville Historical Society’s…
Looking for our Palatine German ancestors — Part II: A Visit to New York’s Schoharie Valley
By: Edward Spannaus If you have visited the Lovettsville Museum, you may have seen a display called “How We Got Here: The Palatine Emigration to America, and to the German…
Our June 2022 Newsletter is out!
The June newsletter is available here, with history features, a listing of our upcoming lectures, nearby events of interest, and more.
The Schoolhouse on South Loudoun Street
The house at the point where South Loudoun and Locust Streets intersect, has recently undergone a renovation, as many have noticed. This building has a storied history. It was cited…
Five More Revolutionary War Patriots Honored
Five more Revolutionary War Patriots were honored in an April 10 ceremony at the New Jerusalem Lutheran Church Cemetery in Lovettsville. The grave-marking event was sponsored by three local chapters…
Friends of Mount Sinai Cemetery Address Board of Supervisors
Representatives of the Family & Friends of Mount Sinai Cemetery and the Lovettsville Historical Society addressed the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors on April 19, urging the Board to take…
Next in…
Next in the Lovettsville Historical Society’s lecture series: Lovettsville’s Hidden History:Mount Sinai Church & Cemetery Sunday, April 3, at 2:00 p.m. In-person at Lovettsville Town Council Chamber (behind the Museum)…
The Wright brothers’ roots in the German Settlement
On Dec. 21, the Town of Hillsboro unveiled a refurbished historical marker honoring Susan Koerner Wright, the month of the pioneers of flight, Wilbur and Orville Wright. You can read…
The Georges, the Johnsons, and related families in Lovettsville
We asked Sam Kroiz, proprietor of the George’s Mill Farm Store, to tell us about Charles Johnson’s relation to George’s Mill and various Lovettsville families. Charles Johnson was Sam’s third…
Black Voter Register from 1890s Found in Museum
(Updated 1/11/2021) A few years ago, volunteers working in the Lovettsville Museum found a list of registrations of Black voters in Lovettsville, dating from 1888 to 1900. The original voter…
In Fond Memory: Elaine Walker
The passing of former Lovettsville Mayor Elaine Walker, on May 31, marks the end of an era. Her decades-long commitment to public service, her devotion to the Lovettsville community,…