Museum History

Click on the arrows next to each title to learn about the history of the Lovettsville Historical Society and Museum.

1974: Lovettsville Restoration Committee

The Mayor and Town Council established the Lovettsville Restoration Committee, in 1974 to restore and maintain a building, once occupied by the Thomas Potterfield meat store, known to town’s people at “The Butcher Shop”, as the future Lovettsville Museum. The Town of Lovettsville purchased the property for the future municipal building site, later constructed in 1975. Tidbit Knowledge: In actuality the butchering operation was performed behind the meat store.

May 1975: Grant Awarded

The Lovettsville Bicentennial Committee endorsed the museum project, and in May 1975 the Lovettsville Restoration Committee was awarded a grant of $1,200 by the County to match the funds, which members had raised.

1976: Septemberfest

For the Bicentennial “Septemberfest” in 1976 a temporary exhibit was erected in a partially restored room.

September 1979: Lovettsville Museum and Library

After much additional fund-raising, the organization name was changed to the “Lovettsville Museum and Library”, and the building opened officially in September 1979.

1980: Save Our Landmark

In 1980 the Museum and Library Board received the first “Save Our Landmark” award from the Loudoun Restoration and Preservation Society for selling tickets at the August Court Days. The white elephant sales and silent auctions, as well as other fund-raising projects, continued throughout the years. There had been many special displays and open houses.

Subsequently, a Memorial Fund was established so that persons interested in the Museum and Library might make donations in memory of family or friends. The fund has been used for the purchase of artifacts pertaining to the history of Lovettsville, and to establish the memorial garden in front of the museum.

1984: A Librarian Volunteers

In 1984 a professional librarian graciously volunteered her expertise, and for a whole year she spent untold hours cataloguing and expanding the collection of books. She initiated very successful story hours and reading programs, and the circulation and public interest increased dramatically. By July 1985, the County Library system took over the expanding operation, which in fact grew to an extent there was no longer sufficient space for the museum items in the small building.

April 1987: Collection Packed Up and Stored

In April 1987, the collection was packed up and stored until the construction of the new library on Light Street would permit the re-establishment of the museum.

August 1987: Lovettsville Museum

When the County appointed the new Lovettsville Library Advisor Board in August 1987, the organization became known as the “Lovettsville Museum”.

November 1988: Lovettsville Historical Society

In November 1988 the name was changed to the “Lovettsville Historical Society”.

1990: Museum Renovated and Reopened

Board members remained active in fund-raising although the museum was temporarily without a home. Following the completion of the new library in January 1990, the museum building was renovated over a period of several months and the collection again was put on display with many new acquisitions. The museum reopened with a Christmas exhibit and reception on December 8, 1990.

1992: Archival and Restoration Work

The Loudoun Restoration and Preservation Society, for the purpose of archival and restoration work at the museum, gave an award of $2,500 to the Lovettsville Historical Society in September 1992.

January 2009: Lovettsville Historical Society, Incorporated

The Lovettsville Historical Society has continued on this history journey since its inception in 1974 and continues offering the public the news of yesteryear, share an understanding to preserve history and remember those that make it. In January 2009, the Lovettsville Historical Society incorporated in the State of Virginia, is recognized as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and operates under the name Lovettsville Historical Society, Incorporated.


Exhibits continue to accumulate and consist of many objects pertaining to a past way of life in the Lovettsville area, including tools, clothing, utensils, personal items, photographs, and historic documents. Information is available on genealogy, families, homes, schools, churches, businesses, buildings and organizations. School classes and other groups are welcome to visit the museum by special appointment. Lectures are given monthly by leading historians on topics pertaining to events surrounding Lovettsville.

Preservation of the heritage of the Lovettsville area is extremely important during these rapidly changing times. Persons desiring to contribute toward the future of the Lovettsville Historical Society – time, labor, ideas, objects or monetary gifts – are urged to contact a board member. Our brochure outlines the goals and mission of the organization and how you can participate. We welcome you and others to join our quest.