Lovettsville Post Office, 1937-1961, (now Thaiverse Restaurant), 19 East Broad Way, Lovettsville, Virginia

19 Broad Way, East
Primary Resource: Commercial Building, Stories 1.00, Style: Vernacular, ca. 1920
Constructed ca. 1920, this one-story, three-bay, vernacular commercial building rests on a parged concrete foundation. The gable-end building has an asphalt-shingled roof, overhanging eaves, a plain friezeboard, vinyl siding, and a one-bay, one-story, shed-roofed addition off its south side. A one-story, one-bay pedimented porch with square posts and a concrete stoop are located at the front door. The one-over-one-sash vinyl windows are modern replacements. An eight-bay porch with square posts and an asphalt-shingled shed roof wraps around the side and rear of the building. (Section 7, Pages 20-21).
Individual Resource Status: Commercial Building, Contributing
Individual Resource Status: Garage, Contributing
See also Lovettsville Historic District
See also Lovettsville Historic District Listed On National Register of Historic Places
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