Lovettsville Historical Society Launches Museum Expansion Fund With Two Major Donations (2017)

You may have seen the story in the Brunswick Citizen issue of February 2, 2017.   Entitled “Making History,” the story reported about the fundraising drive launched by the Lovettsville Historical Society to ensure the Lovettsville Museum’s ability to expand at some point in the near future.
Fred and Anne George (above, center and right) have generously donated $30,000 to launch the Museum Expansion Fund, and Don Cooper (above, left) has pledged to match the first additional $10,000 raised, dollar-for-dollar.  That would bring the fund to $50,000 out of a goal of $300,000.
Right now, the Museum has many items, large and small, which we lack the space to display.  And opportunities come up regularly for us to acquire artifacts which reflect Lovettsville’s history, and we hate to have to pass them by for lack of display space.

You can help.  For more information, contact LHS President Fred George, 703-623-5134, or Vice-president Edward Spannaus, 540-822-9194, email us at, or visit us on the web at

Contributions to the Lovettsville Museum Expansion Fund are tax deductible, under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.